
我们的结直肠外科医生提供高质量的手术, 研究驱动的关怀与同理心, 个性化的方法. 我们设计独特的结肠直肠治疗方案,以满足您的需求.


Our colorectal surgeons expertly diagnose and treat all types of colon and rectal disease. We are committed to providing patients the highest level of care while also conducting meaningful research and training future generations of surgeons.


以病人为中心的护理: Our surgeons recognize that colorectal conditions can be uncomfortable or distressing. 我们倾听您的担忧,并帮助您了解您的治疗方案. 我们努力以同情和技能提供最好的护理.

先进的手术技术: 我们采用多种先进的手术方法, 包括微创手术和机器人手术. Our colorectal surgeons opt for a minimally invasive approach whenever possible. They also have the expertise to offer complex open surgeries when minimally invasive techniques aren’t appropriate.

研究治疗方法: 作为一个领先的学术中心, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 consistently participates in and conducts research studies to improve care. 这些研究推动了我们的治疗选择. 临床试验经常使我们能够为您提供新的和开创性的治疗方法.




皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的外科医生 结直肠癌治疗计划 offer state-of-the-art, comprehensive care for patients with colon and rectal cancer. We use an efficient, integrated approach that involves the expertise of multiple specialists. Many of our physicians are nationally recognized leaders who actively engage in colorectal cancer research, 为您带来新的治疗方案和临床试验治疗.


Some genetic factors or conditions can increase your risk of developing colorectal cancer. 癌症遗传咨询师 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校遗传性癌症风险项目 offer personalized risk assessments to help you and your family be proactive with your health. 我们帮助您了解您的风险因素, 并建议个性化指导,以管理和降低您的风险.


我们治疗炎症性肠病, 消化道的慢性炎症, 采用基于团队的方法. IBD的症状是不可预测的,会扰乱你的日常生活. We aim to help you find effective treatment options so you can live a high quality of life. 该团队包括:


我们治疗一系列影响结肠的疾病, rectum, 小肠和肛门, 包括:


肛肠疾病可能影响肛门和肛管, 连接你的直肠并将粪便排出体外的短管. 它们也可能包括影响直肠的疾病, 大肠(结肠)的下部. 这些条件可能包括:

  • 肛门癌: 始于肛管的癌症
  • 肛门湿疣: 肛门周围或内部的疣, 由人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)引起, 最常见的性传播疾病
  • 肛裂: 肛门开口组织(粘膜)上的小裂口
  • 肛瘘: An irregular tunnel that forms beneath the skin and connects an infected anal gland to an opening in the skin  
  • 肛门直肠的脓肿: 肛门和直肠周围皮肤下的脓液, 通常由受感染的肛门腺引起
  • 痔疮: 肛门或直肠下部静脉肿大
  • 藏毛窦: 臀部上方皮肤上的一个小洞. 如果空洞充满液体或脓液,则可能形成毛囊囊肿.
  • 瘙痒(肛门瘙痒): Chronic and intense itching around the anus, often worsening after a bowel movement or at night
  • 直肠息肉: 赘肉直肠中由多余组织形成的小赘肉
  • 晚期或严重的肛肠疾病可能包括:
  • 肛肠狭窄(肛肠狭窄): 肛门或直肠管狭窄,可引起大便困难
  • 大便失禁: 排便失控,导致意外的大便漏出 
  • 直肠脱垂: A condition in which the rectum slips from its normal position and pushes into the anal canal
  • Retrorectal肿瘤: Irregular masses of cells that grow and divide uncontrollably in the retrorectal space. This is the area in the pelvis behind the rectum and in front of the tailbone (coccyx) and pelvic bones (sacrum). 
  • 直肠阴道瘘: An irregular connection between the vagina and rectum that can cause gas or stool to enter the vagina


腹部疾病可以影响消化道的任何部分, 包括肛门, 直肠和大肠. 这些条件可能包括:

  • 阑尾的肿瘤: 从阑尾开始的肿瘤,阑尾是结肠右侧的一个小袋. 最常见的类型包括粘液囊肿、囊腺瘤和腺癌.
  • 阑尾炎: 阑尾发炎. 如果不立即治疗,阑尾可能会破裂并传播感染. 治疗通常包括紧急手术切除阑尾.
  • 类癌肿瘤: 由产生激素的神经内分泌细胞形成的肿瘤. 它们通常生长在阑尾的内膜中, 小肠(连接胃和大肠的管道)或直肠.
  • 结肠癌: 结肠癌是一种因结肠内不规则细胞形成而发生的癌症 
  • 结肠息肉: 结肠炎在结肠内壁形成的小肿块. A polyp may initially be noncancerous, but it can develop into cancer if not treated.
  • 结肠肠扭结: An emergency condition that occurs when the colon twists around the tissue that surrounds it. 它会导致肠梗阻. 
  • 憩室炎: Inflammation and infection in small pouches (diverticula) that form in the digestive tract
  • Enterocutaneous瘘: An irregular connection that forms between the stomach or intestinal tract and the skin. 它会导致肠或胃的内容物通过皮肤渗漏.
  • 家族性腺瘤性息肉病(FAP) A rare, inherited syndrome that causes the growth of hundreds or thousands of polyps inside the colon and rectum. 它可能会导致结直肠癌.
  • 炎性肠病(IBD): A term for conditions that cause chronic (long-lasting) inflammation in the digestive tract
  • 克罗恩氏病: A type of IBD that causes intermittent inflammation in any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus
  • 溃疡性结肠炎: A type of IBD that causes consistent inflammation along the entire large intestine (colon) 
  • 下消化道出血: 大肠出血
  • 直肠癌: 一种因直肠内不规则细胞形成而发生的癌症



结肠切除术: 外科医生切除全部或部分结肠. 他们通常在大肠上方的腹部做一个切口. 他们可以切除结肠的一部分,然后重新连接剩下的两端. Or they may remove the entire colon and connect the small intestine to the rectum. 结肠部分切除术可用于治疗癌症、肠病或憩室炎. 全结肠切除可治疗家族性腺瘤性息肉病等疾病, 克罗恩病或溃疡性结肠炎. 

结肠造口术: The surgeon creates a small hole in the abdomen and places one end of the colon through the opening. Patients who have this procedure need a colostomy bag that lies outside the body to collect waste. 有些人需要临时结肠造口术来让部分结肠愈合. Others may need a permanent colostomy to treat conditions such as diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease. 

痔切除术: 外科医生在肛门周围开几个小切口切除痔疮. A hemorrhoidectomy is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning patients return home the same day. 这是长期治疗痔疮最有效的方法之一. 

回肠袋肛管吻合术(j袋手术): 这种手术可以在结肠切除后恢复肠道功能. The surgeon creates a small pouch at the end of the small intestine and attaches the pouch to the anus. This eliminates the need for a colostomy and waste bag so patients can have more typical bowel movements.

内部括约肌切开术: 肛裂通常不需要手术就能解决. 但如果没有,患者可能需要进行内括约肌切开术. The internal anal sphincter is the muscle that tightens or opens to allow stool to pass through the anal canal during a bowel movement. 在内括约肌切开术中, the surgeon makes a small incision in the internal anal sphincter to weaken the muscle temporarily. 这个手术并不直接切除或闭合肛裂, 但是它减少了裂缝周围的压力,所以它可以自己愈合.

息肉切除术: 外科医生通过插入一根长导管来切除结肠或直肠息肉, 带相机(结肠镜)的薄工具进入直肠. They insert a wire loop through the colonoscope to remove polyps from the colon or rectum.

直肠固定术: 结直肠外科医生使用直肠固定术治疗直肠脱垂. 他们通常在腹部做一个切口, reposition the rectum and fix it in place by attaching it to the lower backbone (sacrum).


微创手术技术可以缩短恢复期, 更低的感染风险和更少的疤痕. 我们的结直肠外科医生尽可能多地采用微创手术. 当微创手术(MIS)不是安全或合适的方法时, 我们也有技能和专业知识来执行复杂的开放程序. 管理信息系统技术可能包括:  

腹腔镜手术: 而不是在腹部开一个长切口, 外科医生在肚脐周围做一些小切口。. They insert a long, flexible tool called a laparoscope and a camera through the incisions. This allows them to operate on the intestines without fully opening the abdomen.

机器人手术: 机器人手术类似于腹腔镜手术. 但不是通过切口放置腹腔镜和手术工具, 外科医生用手术工具引导机械臂穿过切口. The surgeon controls the robotic arm from a specialized computer console in the operating room. 机器人手术可以提高手术的可视性和精确度.

经肛门内窥镜显微手术: We may use this advanced, minimally invasive procedure to remove rectal tumors or cancer. The surgeon uses highly specialized surgical instruments placed through the anus. 用这种技术, they can remove rectal polyps or tumors without the need for an abdominal incision.


Our colorectal surgeons are renowned experts in treating all types of colorectal disease and colorectal cancer. We use both minimally invasive and open approaches to offer patients the best chances of an optimal outcome. 我们的团队以同情和技巧提供先进、复杂的治疗.



Call 310-794-7788 请求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的结直肠外科医生.


Our surgeons use a comprehensive range of advanced surgical techniques to care for you. Call 310-794-7788皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解更多结肠直肠手术.