
自 we founded 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 ophthalmology, our team has consistently ranked among the best in the country.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for ophthalmology?

眼科服务 和程序 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Stein Eye Institute is among the highest-rated of its kind in the country. 自 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 began its hospital rankings in 1990, 我们一直是全国五大眼科护理中心之一,也是美国西部最好的.

The UCLA Stein Eye Institute was established in 1966 by Jules Stein, MD, 布拉德利·斯特拉斯玛, MD, JD, founding chairman of our Department of 眼科学. When you choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for eye care, you benefit from:

全面的程序: 我们通过斯坦眼科研究所和多亨尼眼科中心提供全方位的眼科服务. Our goal is to prevent blindness through patient care programs, 视觉研究, 培训和外展. 我们提供广泛的亚专科项目,以便所有患者都能获得他们需要的有针对性的护理.

研究治疗方法: Our team has been key in multiple eye care milestones. 例如, 我们进行了首例干细胞来源的视网膜细胞(帮助你看东西的细胞)移植,以治疗法定失明的患者. 我们项目的患者可以继续获得前沿的、基于研究的治疗方案.

公认的专业技能: 我们的眼科医生在患者护理和研究方面表现出色,并因其专业知识而获得认可. 例如, nearly two dozen of our clinicians rank each year among 洛杉矶杂志《皇冠hga020电脑版》.”


我们的许多专家研究并实施针对大多数眼病的新疗法. 专家们在这些学术中心进行强有力的研究并提供最新的治疗方法:


Experts treat patients who want to enhance their appearance through surgery. 例如, treatment might involve eyelid reshaping, fat transfer or liposuction to alter a person’s facial features. 想要进行美容手术的患者会得到眼科和眼科专家的护理 整形手术.

Center for 皇冠hga020电脑版 Outreach and Policy

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康眼科开展公共卫生眼科研究,并提供高影响力, 以皇冠hga020电脑版为基础的服务. 例如, our 流动眼科诊所 improves access to care in underserved communities.


Specialists use a team approach to research blinding diseases. 私人捐款, including an endowment established by the Ahmanson Foundation, 资助这个研究中心, 成立于1997年.


We provide core support for studies that include patient care. Every clinical trial and study involves vital, behind-the-scenes details that enable us to continue this research. 目前, 我们正在进行近80项临床研究,以帮助我们更好地了解眼病和治疗方法.

Diabetic Eye Disease and Retinal Vascular Center

我们的眼科医生专门治疗与糖尿病相关的眼病患者. 成立于十多年前, 该中心对糖尿病患者眼病的了解和护理做出了重大贡献.


Specialists provide ultramodern vision correction treatments. 我们是美国为数不多的参与食品和药物管理局(FDA)准分子激光技术临床试验的研究地点之一. 我们也是洛杉矶第一个使用fda批准的激光治疗来矫正近视(近视)和散光(眼曲度不全)的诊所。.


我们的团队提供高质量的护理和康复,并促进黄斑变性(一种导致视力丧失的眼病)的合作研究。. 这个项目的病人, 成立于1994年, often have access to new treatments through clinical trials. 


40多年了, 我们在贫困和视力障碍交织的皇冠hga020电脑版提供眼科检查和筛查. 这辆39英尺长的巴士配备了眼科检查设备,并得到了慈善捐款的支持. 每年, 我们为20多人提供眼科护理,000 underserved adults and children in Southern California.  


We established this center in 1985 to coordinate research, education and patient care of inflammatory eye disorders. Inflammatory diseases include those that cause eye swelling and destroy tissue. 我们有参与临床和药物治疗试验的悠久历史,这些试验促进了我们对这些疾病的理解.


专家在肿瘤的教学、研究和临床管理方面享有盛誉. 我们的项目在眼部黑色素瘤(眼癌)的诊断和治疗方面获得了国际认可。.

We serve as a hub for national, long-term studies that investigate eye 癌症. We also played an important role in the Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study, a significant research initiative sponsored by the National Eye Institute.


Experts treat conditions that affect the optic nerve. Your optic nerves carry images from your eyes to your brain so you can see. If you have an optic nerve condition, your treatment might involve the expertise of ophthalmologists, 轨道的外科医生, 神经学家,神经放射学家或 神经外科医生.


We study and treat orbital (bony eye socket) diseases brought on by trauma, 癌症, 炎症或感染. 我们的多学科合作为患者提供了南皇冠hga025其他地方无法找到的知识和专业知识. We also have an active program in thyroid eye diseases, through which we study eye conditions that also affect your endocrine system.


我们解决遗传性眼部疾病(从父母那里遗传的疾病)的全谱问题。. 我们提供诊断和治疗,并在适当的时候提供遗传咨询或DNA检测.

专家们 视觉遗传学中心, established in 1978, collaborate with genetic research groups around the world. 我们的努力确保患者能够获得最先进的治疗和临床试验.  


我们的团队提供康复服务,帮助低视力人士最大限度地发挥他们的功能,提高他们的生活质量. 我们根据患者的个人目标量身定制治疗计划,可以帮助任何有视觉障碍的人, 比如阅读.

我们也进行研究和开拓新的方法来帮助视力丧失的人. 例如, 我们开发了一个系统,使用虚拟康复来增加获得护理的机会. The approach involves video conferencing with a doctor. 现在, 我们是国家的一部分, multicenter trial to evaluate how this new approach can improve reading ability.


Our specialists are experts in diagnosis, treatment and management of all conditions that affect the eyes, 包括儿童视力问题. 我们治疗的常见病症包括:

散光: An imperfect curving of your eye that causes blurry vision.

睑缘炎: Eyelid inflammation that can lead to dry eyes, redness or swelling.

白内障: When proteins build up in your eye and cause cloudy or fuzzy vision.

结膜炎(红眼病): 眼睛发炎或感染,导致眼睛周围发痒、发红和结痂.

青光眼: Conditions that damage your optic nerve (nerve that carries images to your brain), often caused by a buildup of pressure in your eye.

黄斑变性: 视网膜(眼睛后部负责将图像传递给大脑的部分)退化.

近视(近视): 一种常见的视力状况,你可以聚焦在近的物体上,但不能聚焦在远处的物体上.


Our goal is to find the best, most effective treatment options for eye conditions. We provide a range of nonsurgical and surgical treatments.


Our specialists care for both routine and complex eye conditions. 非手术治疗 we offer include:

遮光眼镜: Devices designed to improve vision while reducing eye strain.

人工泪液: Eyedrops that improve lubrication and moisture on your eye’s surface.

隐形眼镜: Thin devices placed directly over your eye’s surface to improve vision.

眼药水: Drops that contain saline and medication such as steroids or antihistamines.

眼罩: A device made of cloth, plastic or an adhesive bandage that covers the eye.

热敷眼睛: Applying a clean, warm cloth over your eyes to relieve swelling, pain or inflammation.


We offer research-based, advanced surgical treatments for a range of eye conditions. 常见的手术包括:

眼睑整容术: 通过矫正眼睑下垂来改变眼睑外观的整形手术. 

角膜移植: Repairing your cornea (transparent tissue that covers your eye) with donor tissue. 

轨道减压: 去除眼后的脂肪或骨骼,使你的眼睛在眼窝里坐得更远.

光动力治疗: Combining light energy with specific drugs to destroy pre癌症ous or 癌症ous cells.

气动retinopexy: 在你的外科医生修复视网膜撕裂时,给你的眼睛注射一个小气泡来推动视网膜到位. 

斜视手术: 通过手术放松或收紧眼部肌肉来矫正不规则的眼睛排列(交叉眼睛).

玻璃体切除术: 从眼睛中取出液体以治疗视网膜或玻璃体(填充眼球的凝胶状组织)的问题.


专家们 我们的眼科团队 have led the way in the research and clinical care of eye conditions. We use the latest techniques and have pioneered advanced treatment options.


呼叫 310-825-5000 to request an appointment with an eye specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们的眼科团队为所有类型的眼病提供最先进的治疗. To find out more, please call your provider.

Best Hospital Ranking - 眼科学